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  Poly Aluminum Chloride
  Potassium Chloride
  Calcium Chloride
  Calcium Carbonate
  Ammonium Chloride
  Metanilic Acid
  Ethyl Chloride
  Quinine Sulphate
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Poly Aluminum Chloride
Calcium Chloride
Ammonium Chloride

Sulaksh Chemicals: Our Introduction

Sulaksh Chemicals is a trusted name in chemical companies in India. We manufacture both specialty and basic chemicals with wide applications and world-wide sales. We are the largest producer/seller of Ammonium Chloride and Calcium Chloride in Gujarat state India, and the global producer specializing in Poly-Aluminum Chloride, Barium Carbonate and other chemical products for industrial and commercial use.

We offer standard products and custom formulations, manufactured with a commitment to total Quality management. Sulaksh Chemicals’s Quality Management System matches with global quality standards of chemical manufacturing.

We are intentionally located in Vadodara, Gujarat, India; we are reachable in few minutes of several major interstate highways. We have railroad access and loading facilities for rail shipment.

Sulaksh Chemicals: Your Tactical Partner

In today's challenging marketplace, you need a partner. You need support from a company that understands your needs- a company that can help you to reach your objectives.

When you are dealing with Sulaksh Chemicals your wherewithal are extended in various ways:

- 1st, You gain widespread R&D abilities. These abilities point to inventive solutions for your chemical needs.

- 2nd, You partner with a company in which every member of staff is vow to our service policy. This confirms that every detail of your order from development to manufacturing and extending through delivery will be managed with your complete satisfaction as our aim.

- 3rd, You acquire flexible logistics and manufacturing capacities to deliver the correct formulation for your particular needs. Sulaksh Chemicals also partners with an extensive team of quality chemical distributors.

Sulaksh Chemicals: We Are In Future

The world is varying nowadays. Business is changing. Sulaksh Chemicals is changing also to meet the growing needs of industries worldwide. We are dedicated to continuing research which points to inventive chemical solutions for industry and the environment.

Quality and service will continue to be our driving force as we explore new markets. If you believe that you have a viable joint venture opportunity, please contact us.

Sulaksh Chemicals: We Are In Future

Our mission is to grow our company not only economically, but also in capabilities and contributions to our customers and the community.

We will do this by building and maintaining a positive environment of teamwork and openness, not only within Sulaksh Chemicals, but also with our many customer, supplier, business and community partners. We will foster an atmosphere of change, innovation, friendliness, helpfulness and support.

By doing this, we will secure our economic future, pride in our work and greatness in our lives.


Poly Aluminum Chloride
Poly Aluminum Chloride Solution describes a series of products ranging...

The Poly Aluminum Chloride Solution product is available in a broad range of formulations that have unique... more info

Calcium Chloride
Calcium Chloride is a white crystalline salt. It is very soluble in...

We offer solid and liquid calcium chloride with different grades and used vastly in various industry like... more info

Ammonium Chloride
AMMONIUM CHLORIDE is an acid-forming salt that can help correct situations in...

Ammonium chloride is sold in blocks at hardware stores for use in cleaning the tip of a soldering iron... more info

Calcium Carbonate
Calcium Carbonate, or CaCO3, comprises more than 4% of the earth’s crust and is found...

Calcium Carbonate, as it is used for industrial purposes, is extracted by mining or... more info

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